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Don’t be fooled by imitations!
The original Wicked Ball 100% Automatic Self Moving Toy has everything your dog needs to keep them playing for up to 8 hours. Could this be the ultimate toy to prevent boredom? We think so! It has 3 modes to choose from, gentle, normal or active. Great for all activity levels from puppy to senior dog. Made of safe, pet friendly materials it boasts built in collision sensors, is waterproof and safe to bite or chew. We hate to brag but they even thought of a snack hole to put a treat in to entice your best buddy to start playing.
To get the party started all you have to do is put the Wicked Ball down. It will start to move, led lights will start flashing and it will shake. Boy will it start to shake! Once your dog hits or pushes it, the Wicked Ball will quickly start moving and jumping. Works on carpet, area rugs, hardwood, almost all flooring and easily jumps over little obstacles ( power cords etc.) Since it is 100% automatic it will run on a 10 minute play cycle. After 10 minutes it automatically enters rest mode for 30 minutes. However during it’s 30 minute rest cycle if touched it will resume play mode. If not used during the 30 minute rest period it will automatically re- enter play mode after 30 minutes. The battery life is approximately 8 hours and it is fully rechargeable. To recharge your Wicked Ball you simply unscrew the outer shell and take out the Wicked Ball core. The Wicked Ball comes with a USB cord. All you need to do is plug one end of the cord into the wicked ball core and one end into a USB power source. The charging light will turn from yellow to green when fully charged. Takes 60 minutes to re-charge. Comes in three fun colours.
Three colours to choose from
Safe for you and your pet in water
Washable with warm water paper towel to dry
Please note the core is not washable
LED Lights
Collision sensors to prevent getting caught in tight spaces
Inner layer of outer shell is PC
Automatic Dog Cat Toy Wicked Ball
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